Michel leffondré


From my childhood (60 years ago), I remembered an "electric train" I received for Christmas (what could be more ordinary!).

It was a Meccano/Hornby BB 16009 loco with a few wagons and rails.
In 1997, I decided to go beyond the "oval of track" stage and build a semblance of a layout on a sheet of 1.25 m x 2.50 m plywood. Then I acquired a Fleischmann starter box. 

After a while, it became clear to me that my network was poorly designed, and it lay dormant for 10 years!

Then in 2007, following my early retirement and with the free time that came with it, I set about rebuilding it entirely from scratch. 

To do this, I had to create a dedicated room (2.5 m x 2.5 m) in my basement workshop.

While gleaning on the Internet, I found a circuit model that I adapted to my modest room. I created the layout using Anyrail software.
The 2.5 m X 1.25 m sheet was grafted with a 1.05 m X 0.85 m extension, creating an L shape stiffened underneath by metal angles.
At last, I was able to build a network worthy of the name, in HO scale and Fleischmann Profi track.
This circuit has 4 levels (the plywood sheet is level - 2):
2 hidden levels of reversing loops with sidings (N-2 and N-1),
1 parade level with a village and a small main station (N0) served by a main line,
a secondary rack-and-pinion line leading to N+1, in the mountains. 
All operated in analog mode, with automated control by ILS and relaying of sidings and blocking by Block System Fleischmann.

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